At Mayfair Care Centre we offer addition services to enhance your time spent with us.
At Mayfair Care Centre we value quality of life and encompass person-centered care for all our residents. We constantly strive to ensure our residents are receiving the necessary services that are optimal to their well-being. Our companion program offers our residents extra support, stimulation, and attention that is specific to their care needs. Additional, it offers families a peace of mind as their loved one enjoys ongoing one to one interactions with a skilled companion in a variety of meaningful activities. Our companions are valued team members and work together with the care team to address resident needs and appropriately schedule companionship hours. All companions are under the supervision of the Director of Recreation and the Recreation Therapists. This allows for specific planning on the types of activities and assistance the companion can provide the resident.
If you are interested in learning more about the companion program at Mayfair Care Centre please contact Keltie Dewald, Director of Recreation, at [email protected] or at 403- 252-4445 ext. 2233. If you know this is a service that would be beneficial to a loved one please fill out the Companion Request Form and forward it to the stated email.
We look forward to serving you as best as we can.
If you are interested in learning more about the companion program at Mayfair Care Centre please contact Keltie Dewald, Director of Recreation, at [email protected] or at 403- 252-4445 ext. 2233. If you know this is a service that would be beneficial to a loved one please fill out the Companion Request Form and forward it to the stated email.
We look forward to serving you as best as we can.